Results for 'Dr Sayyid Damad'

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  1.  25
    Reexamining the Methodology of Da'wah Utilised by Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) Within the Context of Social Media: A Contemporary Perspective.Hafsa Zahid & Dr Sayyid Buhar Musal Kassim - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (2):347-373.
    The objective of this study is to examine the contemporary approaches to Da'wah methodology in Malaysia. This study undertook an examination of the impact of social media platforms on conversion rates within the context of the Da'wah methodology. The use of a quantitative approach is implemented through the application of a cross-sectional research design. A questionnaire survey was devised to gather data from Islamic scholars residing in Malaysia. Questionnaires were disseminated to Islamic scholars using social media platforms. A total of (...)
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    Ḥikmat va siyāsat: tārīkh-i shafāhī-i zindagī va ās̲ār-i Duktur Sayyid Ḥusayn Naṣr = Wisdom and politics: an oral history of life and work of Dr. SeyedHossein Nasr.Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 2015 - [Tihrān]: Sāzmān-i Asnād va Kitābkhānah-i Millī-i Īrān. Edited by Ḥusayn Dihbāshī.
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    Islamic philosophy and occidental phenomenology on the perennial Issue of microcosm and macrocosm.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.) - 2006 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    By proposing the Microcosm and Macrocosm analogy for dialogue between Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology, the authors of this volume are reviving the perennial positioning of the human condition in the play of forces within and without the human being. This theme has run from Plato through the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Modernity, and has been ignored by contemporaries. It now acquires a new pertinence and striking significance due to the scientific discoveries into the "infinitely small" in life, on the (...)
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  4. Malfūẓāt-i Ḥaz̤rat Madnī: Maulānā Sayyid Ḥusain Aḥmad Madnī ke ʻilmī va siyāsī javāhir pāre.Sayyid Ḥusain Aḥmad Madnī - 1997 - Lāhaur: Makkī Dārulkutub. Edited by Abūlḥasan Bārahbankvī.
    Sayings of Sayyid Ḥusain Aḥmad Madnī, 1878-1957, Indian Muslim religious leader.
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    Human Cloning from the Viewpoint of Islamic Fiqh and Ethics.Sm Mohaghegh Damad - 2011 - Asian Bioethics Review 3 (4):342-350.
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  6. Basic principles of the Islamic worldview.Sayyid Quṭb - 2006 - North Haledon, N.J.: Islamic Publications International. Edited by Rami David.
    Sayyid Qutb, executed in 1966 by the Egyptian government but still broadly influential today, was deeply convinced that Islam provides an ideal framework for all of human existence individual and social, political and economic, intellectual and spiritual. He believed equally that in all these various aspects the religion had been obscured or distorted by an influx of alien influences. In this, one of his most widely read works, he addresses himself to the task of retrieving what he regards as (...)
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  7. Sahl-i Iqbāl: yaʼnī Haz̤arat ʻUlāmah Iqbāl ke taṣvur k̲h̲ūdī par isrār k̲h̲ūdī aur ramūz be k̲h̲ūdī ke ḥavālī se āsān indāz men beḥash.Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah - 1969 - Lāhaur: Maktabah k̲h̲ayābān Adab.
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  8. Ak̲h̲ālaqiyāt par cand maz̤āmīn maʻ ashʻārulak̲h̲lāq.Sayyid Ashfāq ʻAlī - 1993 - Bhūpāl: Je. Bhārat Pablishing Hāʼūs.
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  9. Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan's educational philosophy: a documentary record.Sayyid Aḥmad K̲h̲ān - 1989 - Islamabad: National Institute of Historical and Cultural Research. Edited by Hafeez Malik.
    Letters, speeches, articles and memos written by a pioneer Muslim educationalist.
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    The dignity of parents: English translation of Azmath-e-Walidain.Sayyid Shāh Aʻẓam ʻAlī Qādirī - 2001 - Hyderabad: Syed Us Soofia Academy.
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    al-Ṣuwar al-jamālīyah fī khalq al-kawn.Yāsir Muḥammad Maḥjūb Ḥamad Sayyid - 2013 - al-Kharṭūm: Jāmiʻat al-Kharṭūm, Madrasat al-ʻUlūm al-Idārīyah.
  12. al-Baḥth al-balāghī ʻinda al-ʻArab: taʼṣīl wa-taqyīm.Shafīʻ Sayyid - 1987 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Fikr al-ʻArabī.
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    al-Mawqif al-naqdī li-mufakkirī al-ʻIrāq al-muʻāṣirīn min al-falsafah al-ḥadīthah: Muḥammad Bāqir al-Ṣadr anmūdhajan.Jabbār ʻAlī Sayyid - 2021 - Bayrūt: al-ʻĀrif lil-Maṭbūʻāt.
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    Allāh wa-al-ʻālam ʻinda al-Muʻtazilah.Muḥammad Ṣāliḥ Muḥammad Sayyid - 2022 - al-Iskandarīyah: Dār al-Wafāʼ li-Dunyā al-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
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    Islam and Knowledge.S. Sayyid - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):177-179.
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  16. Jūrj Ṭarābīshī, rajul al-fikr wa-al-tanwīr: dirāsah wa-mukhtārāt.Ghassān Sayyid - 2021 - Dimashq: Wizārat al-Thaqāfah, al-Hayʼah al-ʻĀmmah al-Sūrīyah lil-Kitāb.
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    Muḥammad Arkūn al-mufakkir wa-al-bāḥith wa-al-insān: Ḥalaqah niqāshīyah naẓẓamahā Markaz Dirāsāt al-Waḥdah al-ʻArabīyah.Riḍwān Sayyid & ʻAbd al-Ilāh Balqazīz (eds.) - 2011 - Bayrūt: Markaz Dirāsāt al-Waḥdah al-ʻArabīyah.
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    Muḥyī al-Dīn ibn ʻArabī: ārāʼuhu al-fiqhīyah wa-al-uṣūlīyah.Usāmah Shafīʻ Sayyid - 2022 - al-Haram, al-Jīzah: Markaz Turāth lil-Buḥūth wa-al-Dirāsāt.
  19. Ṣhażah da zhwand pah ḍagar ke.Maʻṣūmah Raz̤ā Sayyid - 2002 - Kābul: Majmaʻ-i Zanān-i Afghān.
    On the status of women in Muslim society with special reference to Afghanistan.
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  20. Sign o'times: kaffirs and infidels fighting the ninth crusade.Bobby Sayyid - 1994 - In Ernesto Laclau, The making of political identities. New York: Verso. pp. 264--86.
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  21. Western democrats, oriental despots?S. Sayyid - 2014 - In Fred Reinhard Dallmayr, M. Akif Kayapınar & İsmail Yaylacı, Civilizations and world order: geopolitics and cultural difference. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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    Zur Frage der Verbindlichkeit von Patientenverfügungen.Prof Dr Reinhard Merkel - 2004 - Ethik in der Medizin 16 (3):298-307.
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    Terminale Sedierung, Sterbehilfe und kausale Rollen.Prof Dr Phil Dieter Birnbacher - 2004 - Ethik in der Medizin 16 (4):358-368.
    Während die terminale Sedierung neueren niederländischen Erhebungen zufolge bereits in mehr als 5% aller Sterbefälle zur Leidensminderung am Lebensende angewandt wird, sind viele der durch dieses Verfahren aufgeworfenen begrifflichen und ethischen Fragen weiterhin offen. Kontrovers ist insbesondere die begriffliche Einordnung der Kombination von terminaler Sedierung und Behandlungsabbruch sowie die Frage nach den dafür einschlägigen ethischen Kriterien. Ausgehend von einer Analyse von drei Szenarien mit unterschiedlicher kausaler Rollenverteilung argumentiere ich dafür, den Standardfall der Kombination von terminaler Sedierung und Behandlungsabbruch unter die (...)
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    Assistenz zum guten Leben.Prof Dr Matthias Kettner - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (1):5-9.
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    Sårbarhedens overvindelse og styrkens fascination.Anders Dræby Sørensen - 2016 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 73:45-63.
    The first part of the article demonstrates how the concept of mental resilience has developed from the 1970s to the 2010s, spreading from the field of developmental psychopathology to a wide range of psychological and psychotherapeutic disciplines. Today, there are many varied definitions of mental resilience, ranging from a relation to the concept of mental vulnerability to a related concept of mental strength. The second part of the article demonstrates how the current popularisation of the idea of individual resilience is (...)
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    Science and Technology Ethics.Dr Raymond E. Spier & Raymond E. Spier - 2001 - Routledge.
    Science and Technology Ethics re-examines the ethics by which we live and asks the question: do we have in place the ethical guidelines through which we can incorporate these developments with the minimum of disruption and disaffection? It assesses the ethical systems in place and proposes new approaches to our scientific and engineering processes and products, our social contacts, biology and informatics, the military industry and our environmental responsibilities. The volume is multidisciplinary and reflects the aim of the book to (...)
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    The biochemical bases of the placebo effect.Dr Raúl de la Fuente-Fernández & A. Jon Stoessl - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (1):143-150.
    A great variety of medical conditions are subject to the placebo effect. Although there is mounting evidence to suggest that the placebo effect is related to the expectation of clinical benefit, little is still known about the biochemical bases underlying placebo responses. Positron emission tomography studies have recently shown that the placebo effect in Parkinson’s disease, pain, and depression is related to the activation of the limbic circuitry. The observation that placebo administration induces the release of dopamine in the ventral (...)
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    Evolution of Immersive Technologies and Their Impact on Visitor Engagement in Cultural Heritage Sites.Avni Garg, Dr Jasbir Singh Dhanjal, Dr Kajal Chheda, Prabhat Sharma, Arunkumar Devalapura Thimmappa, Shubhi Goyal & Amita Garg - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1012-1020.
    The cultural heritage sites, incorporating advanced technology and engaging activities have been demonstrated to enhance visitor attention and retention, resulting in more significant and unforgettable experiences. The evolution of immersive technologies, has significantly transformed visitor engagement in cultural heritage sites. This study investigates how these technologies increase visitor experience and engagement. The study utilizes Chi-square tests and ANCOVA and multiple linear regressions tests to examine the correlation between technology usage and visitor satisfaction, to identify key predictors of enhanced visitor interaction. (...)
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    Autonomie als Rechtfertigungsgrund psychiatrischer Therapien.Orsolya Friedrich & Pd Dr Jan-Hendrik Heinrichs - 2014 - Ethik in der Medizin 26 (4).
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  30. Episcopado brasileiro em são Paulo. Unidade da igreja no brasil.Prof Dr Pe José Ulisses Leva - 2012 - Revista de Teologia 6 (9):28-38.
    O Artigo Episcopado Brasileiro em São Paulo – Unidade da Igreja no Brasil marca o itinerário da Igreja no Brasil no final do Século XIX. Como situar a sociedade brasileira no Século XIX? Como a Igreja reagiu ao Estado Republicano? Qual foi o papel do Romano Pontífice na Igreja no Brasil? A Reunião dos Bispos em São Paulo em 1890 sela a Unidade do Episcopado. O tema é oportuno quando pontuamos os 60 anos da CNBB (1952-2012) e os 50 anos (...)
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    A Group of Banking Services in Islamic Banks: A Sharia and Economic Study.Dr Ahmed Akram Hassan Al-Khafaji - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1342-1359.
    The banking sector is one of the most important economic sectors in all countries. It represents the backbone of economic life, as it acts as a mediator between savers and investors and provides them with many banking services to meet the requirements of the economic process. This study aimed to define the concept of financial services provided by Islamic banks, their characteristics, and their most key features, while addressing the level of quality of banking services and the extent to which (...)
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    Aparecida, E a advertência à igreja de éfeso.Prof Dr Renold Blank - 2007 - Revista de Teologia 1 (1):1-4.
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    Ethics and law for the health professions.Dr Annette Braunack-Mayer, Sandy Elkin, Pauline Norris & Dr Hamish J. Wilson - 2005 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 2 (3):177-182.
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    Liste der Autoren.Priv Doz Dr Johannes Brachtendorf - 2003 - In Uwe Meixner & Albert Newen, Seele, Denken, Bewusstsein: zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Geistes. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Riding New Waves. Sozialethische Metabeobachtungen zur Individualisierten Medizin.Matthias Braun, Dr Jens Ried & Prof Dr Peter Dabrock - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (3):251-258.
    Neben grundsätzlichen konzeptionellen Fragen der sog. Individualisierten Medizin (IM), prägen ethische Bedenken und Fragen die aktuellen Debatten um die IM. Allerdings ist bislang noch nicht geklärt, in welchem methodischen Rahmen diese Fragen verortet werden können. Für die Entwicklung eines solchen Rahmens wird das Modell der First- und Second-Wave-Bioethics diskutiert und an zwei konkreten Herausforderungen – 1) dem Verhältnis der IM zur evidenz-basierten Medizin und 2) am Konzept der genetischen Risikoperson – aufgezeigt. Eine solche Kontextualisierung der IM-Debatte legt den Grundstein für (...)
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    Die Gesamtgeschichte der Menschheit als Problem der Geschichtswissenschaft.Prof Dr Kurt Breysig - 1939 - Synthese 4 (1):25-31.
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    „Der Einzige” und „der Einzelne”.Prof Dr Martin Buber - 1936 - Synthese 1 (1):300-308.
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    Justice Ken Crispin Farewell Dinner.Rev Dr Pamela Crispin, Bill McCarthy, Magistrate Beth Campbell, Robert Clynes, Barbara Parker, Jason Parkinson, Gary Parker, Thena Kyprianou, John Nichol & Barbara Refshauge - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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  39. My Pilgrimage from Atheism to Theism.Antony Flew & Dr Gary R. Habermas - 2004 - Philosophia Christi 6 (2):197-211.
  40.  12
    En torno a la narcoimaginación, sus paradojas históricas y figuraciones contemporáneas.Dr Hermann Herlinghaus - 2023 - Aisthesis 73:9-23.
    El texto ofrece una reflexión conceptual sobre las diferentes formaciones de narrativas y literaturas que se dedican a la representación de conflictos en torno a los narcóticos o el impacto de sustancias psicoactivas hacia la alteración de la conciencia. Se propone la noción de una modernidad psicoactiva occidental como marco histórico y fenomenológico para situar y distinguir una narcoimaginación latinoamericana contemporánea de las narcoliteraturas europeo-occidentales.
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    Leven en Levensverschijnselen.Prof Dr H. J. Jordan - 1936 - Synthese 1 (1):53-65.
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  42.  24
    Das problem Des standpunkts und die geschichtliche erkenntnis.Privatdozent Dr Helmut Kühn - 1930 - Kant Studien 35 (1-4):496-510.
  43.  15
    Section.Prof Dr Jan Legowicz - 1977 - Dialectics and Humanism 4 (4):37-39.
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    A igreja latino-americana depois de aparecida.Prof Dr Côn. Antonio Manzatto - 2007 - Revista de Teologia 1 (1):23-30.
    O texto procura refletir, de maneira prospectiva, sobre a contribuição que a Conferência de Aparecida poderá dar à igreja universal, e em especial para o continente latino-americano. Diagnostica linhas de continuidade com a prática atual da igreja e enumera esperanças das comunidades eclesiais com relação à V Conferência.
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    Section.Docent Dr Witold Marciszewski - 1977 - Dialectics and Humanism 4 (4):42-43.
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    Präkonzeptionelle Geschlechtswahl.Prof Dr Hans Wilhelm Michelmann, Christa Wewetzer & Uwe Körner - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (2):164-180.
    Versuche zur Geschlechtswahl bei der Befruchtung führten in jüngerer Zeit zu anwendbaren, wenngleich noch eingeschränkt erfolgssicheren Techniken. Deren ethische und rechtliche Bewertungen stehen im Mittelpunkt dieser Abhandlung. In Gesellschaften und Kulturen mit traditioneller Bevorzugung männlicher Nachkommenschaft gibt es einerseits ein starkes Interesse für die Geschlechtswahl, andererseits wird in einigen westlichen Ländern der vorgeburtlichen Geschlechtswahl sehr geringe praktische Bedeutung beigemessen. Dabei unterscheidet sich die Verfügbarkeit der entsprechenden reproduktionsmedizinischen Verfahren von freier Zugänglichkeit zu allen Methoden (Präimplantationsdiagnostik, Spermatozoentrennung usw.) des Fortpflanzungsmedizinmarkts (USA) bis (...)
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  47. Physics expertise and the perception of physics problems.R. W. Schvaneveldt, Dr Euston, Ds Sward & A. Vanheuvelen - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):461-461.
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    Rechtliche und ethische Aspekte grenzüberschreitender Gesundheitsversorgung innerhalb der Europäischen Union.Pd Dr Peter Schröder-Bäck, Dr Kai Michelsen, Lisette Bongers, Prof Dr Helmut Brand, Katharina Förster & David Townend - 2014 - Ethik in der Medizin 26 (4):1-15.
    Patientenmobilität und grenzüberschreitende Gesundheitsversorgung sind alltägliche Phänomene in der Europäischen Union (EU). Im Jahr 2011 hat die EU eine Richtlinie erlassen, um in diesem Kontext Rechtssicherheit herzustellen. Bisher gibt es keine umfassenden systematischen Studien über ethische Aspekte grenzübergreifender Gesundheitsversorgung. In dieser Arbeit werden die rechtlichen Entwicklungen der grenzübergreifenden Gesundheitsversorgung dargestellt und die in der Literatur vereinzelt erwähnten ethisch relevanten Aspekte heuristisch und auf Patiententypologien aufbauend systematisch inventarisiert und diskutiert. Es zeigt sich, dass die Möglichkeit der Patientenmobilität und die damit vor (...)
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  49. Tres excursos sobre la triadicidad Del ser.Profr Dr Hc Erwin Schadel & I. Excurso - 2004 - Humanitas 31:83.
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    Om subjektivitet og sandhed i den græsk-romerske antik og den tidlige kristendom.Anders Dræby Sørensen - 2016 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 73:272-275.
    The first part of the article demonstrates how the concept of mental resilience has developed from the 1970s to the 2010s, spreading from the field of developmental psychopathology to a wide range of psychological and psychotherapeutic disciplines. Today, there are many varied definitions of mental resilience, ranging from a relation to the concept of mental vulnerability to a related concept of mental strength. The second part of the article demonstrates how the current popularisation of the idea of individual resilience is (...)
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